I was posting so consistently, all the way up until I stopped

No, my blog is not defunct.  Now MAH BRAIN, on the other hand, has not been functing much at all.   You have missed all sorts of fun things!  I had an emergency root canal, Matthew had pneumonia, Gregory ate an ant.  (“Mommy, there’s an ant crawling in my tummy!””)  After seeing my expression of disgust he knew the only logical thing to do was to EAT ANOTHER ONE.  Obviously!

I haven’t just been feeding my children insects, I’ve been terrifying them too!  On the way to the doctor I told Matthew “Your cough is probably just allergies, but just to be safe we’ll make sure you are not dying of pneumonia or anything.”  So when the doctor said the x-ray showed pneumonia the poor little thing’s eyes widened with horrified alarm because Oh my gosh, I’m going to DIE!!  MOM SAID SO!

My influence can’t be all bad, though.  The other day Andrew was playing with his action figures when I heard Batman exclaim “Oh my gracious!”  I don’t remember that from the cartoon.  (Don’t worry, my influence has limits.  The Joker was still a poopy butthead jerk.)

But generally speaking, all is as usual here.  (At least until next week, when SCHOOL ENDS.)  Gregory did tweak the cat’s name a bit, though, because why be conventional?  Now when he chases Puss-in-Boots around he shouts excitedly “Pu$$y boots!  Pu$$y boots!”, which would be perfectly fine if I didn’t catch MYSELF saying it.  Because it doesn’t sound as cute when you are not FOUR. (I used ‘$’ instead of ‘s’ out of consideration for the people googling the free version of that phrase, whom I would imagine might not appreciate the linguistic exploits of a four-year-old.  I am nice like that.)

June 6, 2009. Uncategorized. 1 comment.