Cooking is an art. Minivans, not so much.

I love cooking magazines.  (What a funny sentence!  I meant I love to read them, but now I’m picturing myself peering in to the oven at a stack of periodicals, wondering if they are lightly browned around the edges yet.)  I find looking at pictures of food and reading recipes quite soothing, and a hell of a lot easier than, you know, actually cooking.  The other day I stumbled upon a recipe for chocolate martinis.  It goes like this:  In a pitcher you stir together 3/4 cup light cream, 1 cup chocolate liqueur, and 1/4 cup vodka.  Place ice cubes in a martini shaker.  Add liqueur mixture; shake.  Strain mixture into chilled martini glasses.  Makes 4 to 6 drinks.

I read this particular recipe with great interest.  By complete coincidence my friend Marisa and I had made some chocolate martinis of our own a few days before!  Here is our recipe:  Rummage in cabinet for cup not decorated with a cartoon character, find some 12 oz. juice glasses.  Place three ice cubes in each.  Fill glass halfway with vodka.  Fill rest of way with Godiva liqueur, preferably not sloshing too much over rim.  Makes 1 drink.

A 1/4 cup of vodka divided between six people?  That’s called chocolate milk, y’all!  A couple of ours, though, and inane youtube videos get downright hysterical.  As does, well, pretty much everything else, which is very helpful, considering some things in my life have been a little tense lately.  (I’m not saying what, I’m just SAYIN’.)

*St. Patrick’s Day*Aren’t they adorable!  Could they be any cuter?!  HOLD ON TO THAT THOUGHT.Gangsta leprechauns.  Word.

So!  I think we were discussing how cute they are, those little scamps!  This morning Andrew “poopded”, and in the whole fourteen seconds it took me to wipe his bottom Gregory slipped outside and drew a picture!  On the hood of our car!  WITH A ROCK.Funnily enough, my initial reaction was not anger, or dismay, or even surprise.  Simply sheer relief that he had chosen to decorate OUR car, and not someone else’s.  I would like to think is due to me being an optimist, trying to find the good in any given situation.  Or maybe I am exceptionally easygoing and even- tempered.  ( Ha!)  Realistically, however, I am forced to conclude that a decade full of the antics of four “spirited” boys has worn my brain down to the nub.  Which is 1.) NOT NEWS TO ANYONE and 2.)another reason why I do not follow conventional drink recipes or their ridiculous serving suggestions.

March 18, 2010. Uncategorized. 1 comment.